Winter Build Contest – Nether Wall

The Wither Farm that has been under excavation for over a year is almost finished – which means construction is about to begin!

This means we need some great inspiration to make an awesome building inside – starting with walls!

The first build contest of 2024 is to build a section of a wall. The winner’s design will be incorporated into the main structure to be built in the Spring and Summer. This build contest is to build a small section of a wall (so we can vote on designs).

Wall Building Rules

  • Size: Your wall section must be no shorter than 15 blocks tall, and no more than 5 blocks wide. It can be as long as you like.
  • Materials: Your wall must be primarily built of materials found in the Nether. You can use blocks from other worlds, but they cannot take up more than 30% of the total blocks of your submission.
  • Other Restrictions: The final build will be built in survival, so do not incorporate ancient debris, large amounts of gilded blackstone, ect in your submission that would make “scaling up” impossible.


The winning builder will recieve:

  • 9 blocks of Netherite
  • 1 single chest of Gilded Blackstone
  • 1 single chest of Crying Obsidian
  • 1 single chest of Reinforced Deepslate
  • Plus any Smithing Template of your choosing


If you wish to participate, build your wall and post a screenshot of both the wall and its coordinates to the MinecraftLovers Discord Channel, in the “Screenshots” chat.

The contest is active now, and the winner will be chosen on March 15, 2024.

Happy Building!

harvest festival

Thanksgiving 2023 – Harvest Festival!

November is here, which means Thanksgiving is right around the corner!

Help get Thanksgiving Dinner ready to earn some Enchanted Golden Apples. The Thanksgiving Trader is back at spawn to collect all of your ingredients!

How It Works

Help the new Thanksgiving Trader at spawn get everything ready for a delicious Thanksgiving Feast! A full meal has three parts:

  1. Main Dish– A stack of Cooked Chickens
  2. Side Dishes – Either a stack of Baked Potato or Bread
  3. Dessert – A stack of Pumpkin Pie

To earn your Enchanted Golden Apple, buy a token for each part of the meal! You will combine your Main Dish and Side Dishes to make the Main Course, and then combine that with your Dessert for a Full Meal. Since we are cooking for a group, you will need 8 Full Meals to earn each Enchanted Golden Apple!

More To Love

Besides the return of the Thanksgiving Trader, this November has three new bonuses as well. These are permanent (not ending with the Event):

  1. We’ve added a new plugin to give more information on villagers! Hold shift and right-click a villager to see things like their current sentiment towards you, how much food they are holding, and more.
  2. New Potion added – “Gift of Gab”. This will give you the Hero of the Village status for 90 seconds. The potion is brewed by adding an Emerald to an Awkward potion – but is only available for players with an McMMO Alchemy level of 350 and up. So get to brewing, or using the McMMO Token Traders to earn your alchemy!
  3. The Halloween Trader has decided to make a permanent home at Spawn – so you will be able to buy Gilded Blackstone, Reinforced Deepslate, and Echo Shards going forward. He has changed his name to the “Nether Crafter”.

Halloween 2023 – Gilded and Re-enforced!

Hey everybody, a quick new trading event for this Halloween!

From now through October 31, players can make three special trades at spawn – including never-before-obtainable Reinforced Deepslate!

  • Trade 64 Blackstone Bricks, 64 Gold Nuggets, and 64 Boondollars to get 16 Gilded Blackstone
  • Trade 64 Deepslate, 64 Iron Nuggets, and 64 Boondollars to get 1 Reinforced Deepslate
  • And trade 64 Phantom Membranes to get an elusive Echo Shard!

To make these trades, visit the Trader Hut right outside Spawn!

Happy trading, and happy Halloween! Stay tuned for our Thanksgiving Event, starting in November!

March Mining Madness 5 – Nether’s Revenge!

Our March event focuses on mining! Go figure! We’re going back to the basics this month and focusing back on the Nether!

To get things moving along, we are offering up a new trader at spawn buying Netherrack, Basalt, and Blackstone for Boondollars for the month of March. If you want to get in on the action, break out your fanciest pickaxe, and to the Nether get in on the action! This is a great opportunity to buy McMMO levels and earn an awesome pickaxe too!

For the duration of the event, the tab scoreboard will also keep a tally of how much Netherrack you’ve mined – so keep it up!

Event Details

Dates: March 4 – March 31 2023


Thanksgiving Event – Making Dinner!

Thanksgiving is coming – and we have another collection event to celebrate!

This time we need to help preparing a delicious Thanksgiving Dinner! By helping get everything ready, you have a shot to earn some Enchanted Golden Apples!

How It Works

Help the new Thanksgiving Trader at spawn get everything ready for a delicious Thanksgiving Feast! A full meal has three parts:

  1. Main Dish– A stack of Cooked Chickens
  2. Side DishesEither a stack of Baked Potato or Bread
  3. Dessert – A stack of Pumpkin Pie

To earn your Enchanted Golden Apple, buy a token for each part of the meal! You will combine your Main Dish and Side Dishes to make the Main Course, and then combine that with your Dessert for a Full Meal. Since we are cooking for a group, you will need 8 Full Meals to earn each Enchanted Golden Apple!

This event will be open through November 26!

Happy Feasting!

harvest scythe

Fall 2022 Harvest Event!

Fall is finally here – and so is a new event on Minecraftlovers!

From September 24 – October 16 we will be holding a Harvest Event, with custom equipment as rewards! Get out your farming hat and help bring in this year’s wheat harvest, with an awesome unbreakable scythe as a reward!

How To Participate

For the three weeks of the event, there will be a new villager trader at the Spawn trader hut – the Harvest Trader!

This handsome devil has two trades:

  • 64 Hay Bales for a Harvest Token
  • 64 Harvest Tokens for a Harvest Scythe

The Harvest Scythe is a unique piece of equipment – an unbreakable diamond hoe with two enchantments that are normally impossible to obtain: Fortune 2, which will multiply the drops you get from farming (extra seeds from wheat and beets, or extra potatoes and carrots), and Sharpness 5, turning your garden hoe into a deadly scythe in a pinch!

The Harvest Scythe is available during the harvest event only, so get to reaping your wheat to get yours soon!

March Mining Madness Winners!

March Mining Madness is over! We had 12 total winners, 8 of whom earned the top prizes of the EnderWrecker Mk. 2.

Prizes are available for all winners in marked chests in the MCMMO shrine at spawn. With the end of the Mining Madness event, MCMMO XP earned from mining endstone has been reset back to default, and the endstone trader at spawn has been removed. Stay tuned for our next event, coming in the 2nd week of April!

March Mining Madness 4: Ender’s Revenge!

March is here, which can only mean one thing – the return of March Mining Madness! This year the end is back and begging for us to mine it down a peg or two.

The first objective of Mining Madness is to completely remove the center island of the End so we can build up our own End Spawn area. However, the entire End is ripe for the taking! This year’s event lasts March 3 – March 31, 2022.

Players who mine at least 100,000 stone during the duration of the event will earn the unbreakable EnderWrecker pickaxe – super efficient, with Silk touch!

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Players who mine at least 300,000 stone will earn an even better reward!

For the duration of the event, End Stone also grants 10x MCMMO mining xp!

So dust off those pickaxes, load up your trusty beacon (or pile of potions) and head on over to The End to get mining!

February Events – Build Contest and Cupid’s Arrow!

February 2022 is almost here – just in time for a Valentine’s Event!

This is the first major event since our transition to 1.18, and consists of two parts:

Build Contest – Trading Post

First up, the BoonDollar Traders have returned to spawn! This means the boondollars you have been accumulating can now be spent once again. The traders have different offerings than the last world.

  1. Boon Exchange: This villager will convert your BoonDollars to BoonBucks (100 dollars to a buck), and BoonBucks to BoonBonds (100 bucks to a bond) – and convert back. Great way to save space!
  2. Aquatic Trader. This trader will trade your BoonDollars for rare aquatic items, including tridents, sponges, and coral blocks. No need to break up precious coral reefs!
  3. Excavation Trader. Boondollars are earned through excavation (digging up dirt, gravel sand, and other shovel blocks). However, if you are in dire need of some extra blocks, the Excavation Trader has you covered! He will sell dirt, sand, gravel, soul sand, soul soil, and red sand in exchange for BoonDollars.

However, these traders are currently residing in a pretty sad shack and need a permanent home. The first build contest of 2022 is building a Trading Post for the traders!

Build Contest Rules and Prizes

This build contest is to build a new trading post. To participate, your build must have a maximum size of 25 wide, 25 tall (including basement), and 25 wide. It must have places for up to 10 traders to stand and offer their trades.

Submissions are due by the end of the day on February 28. You can build your submission anywhere – when ready, post a screenshot of your build in the “Screenshots” channel of the MCL discord (if you do not have discord, contact any staff member to have it posted for you).

We will post a poll on the MCL website and discord with all submissions to vote for a winner, to be selected on March 8. The winning build will be moved to Spawn, and the winner will receive a special unbreakable bow with Power 6, Infinity, Flame, and Punch 2.

Cupid’s Arrow

Through Valentine’s Day, the traders at spawn are joined by a new special trader – Cupid himself! Cupid sells special Cupid’s Arrows – special tipped arrows granting extra hearts, instant health, and regeneration to whoever it hits!

Cupid sells arrows, but in the spirt of Valentine’s Day he also buys roses – a dozen roses for a boondollar!

Other Updates

With this latest update, there are some other important changes that have been implemented on MineCraftLovers:

  1. Render distance reduced. Several players have reported timeout issues when logging in. Based on the errors, the clients are timing out due to too much data being sent on login. We have changed some of the network settings and reduced the render distance slightly to help solve this problem.
  2. MCMMO Excavation Revamp. All “junk” treasures have been removed from MCMMO. Instead, dirt, sand, soul sand, soul soil, gravel, and soul sand may drop additional units of itself, with the chance increasing as your MCMMO level of excavation increases. Glowstone dust, diamonds, and wither skulls are still possible drops.

That’s it for now – happy building!

1.18 Build Transfer!

The new world is here for 1.18! Builds from the old world can be transferred to the new one at no cost – just give the coordinates in the form below!

    Location in new world (based on the starting location of your build - when pasted, this is where the "starting location" of your build will be):